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 Behavior Management

Class jar.PNG

Whole Class Incentive


Individual Incentive

For my classroom behavior plan, I want to not only have individual behavior management, but I also want to have team behavior management. This is because I want to let the class know that we can all work together as well as individually. This does not mean that I will punish the entire class for individual behaviors. I simply want our class to develop a team dynamic. This being said, we will have a classroom reward jar. This jar will determine on how well the class behaves, as a whole, follows directions and rules, receives compliments, exhibits positive behavior, stays engaged, etc. The jar will receive a scoop of beans every time the class is positively excelling. As presented on the jar, the class will be able to receive a whole class reward depending on how high the jar reaches each marked level. For the individual behavior plan, I will have the students participate in a magnet behavior chart. Everyone will start on green and move down depending own their behavior individually. For instance, if one student refuses to listen he or she will move his or her magnet down to yellow which is a warning. The student will continue to move down if his or her behavior does not improve with red being the last level. This can determine a number of things depending on the behavior, but a call home will always be made if any student ends up on red. There will also be positive behavior management with the usage of stickers, a treasure box, and the secret star student. The secret star student will be chosen every two weeks and will be rewarded for his or her behavior throughout those weeks. The student will be chosen in secret and will be observed throughout to see if he or she is working hard to receive his or her reward.


Below is a article that explains how I will establish a positive behavior management plan. Please click the button below!!

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