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Attention Getters, Applause, etc.

Attention Getters

Hands on top

T- Hands on top

S- Everybody stop! (puts hands on top of head)


Class Class

T- Class Class

S- Yes Yes



T- 1,2,3 eyes on me

S- 1, 2 eyes on you


Hocus Pocus

T- Hocus Pocus

S- Everybody Focus


Macaroni and Cheese

T- Macaroni and Cheese

S- Everybody Freeze


Ready to Learn

T- Ready to listen 

S- Ready to learn


Bidi Bidi Bom Bom

Have the students repeat this after the teacher


Alright STOP

T- Alright, STOP

S- Collaborate and listen!


All Set

T- All set?

S- You bet!


Hi, Ho, Hi, Ho

T- Hi, Ho, Hi, Ho!

S- Its off to work we go!


Finding Nemo

T- Shark bait



Mickey Mouse

T- Mickey Mouse

S- Clubhouse


T- Yesterday you said tomorrow so

S- Just do it



T- Are you ready kids?

S- Aye Aye Captain!


Focus Up

T- Focus Up!

S- kids bang on the desk

twice and clap one time




  • Disco Cheer- Put left hand on your hip. Use your right hand to point down to the left and then up to the right. Keep repeating while singing " Ah, ah, ah, ah, you did a good job, you did a good job!"

  • Raise the roof- pump open-face palms up and down in the air while saying "Woot! Woot!"

  • Snap and Cheer- To the tune of the Adam's Family the teacher will snap their fingers and sing "What a good job!" and students will say "Awe-some!" to each snap.

  • Snapping like fireworks- resemble the process of a firework popping

  • Na-na-na cheer- Swing arms back and forth over head while singing "Na na na na! Na na na na! Hey, hey, hey! Good job!

  • Popcorn- Making a popping noise with your mouth while mimicking popcorn making with your hands.

  • The Money Clap- Clap once. Use your right hand to shuffle money off of your left hand.

  • Mario and Luigi- 1,2,3 Wahoo

  • “Woot, Woot” is when the teacher does a drum roll on her desk and when she stops the student raise both hands and say “woot, woot”.

  • “Mirror Cheer”

  • Start with hands above eye level and outline an imaginary mirror while saying “Mm, mm, mm!” Girls can then fluff hair. Boys can snap and point while saying, “Looking good!”

  • Karate Cheer

  • With both hands at 45 degree angles, circle them around and then chop the air while saying “great job”.

  • The teacher leads by saying “You did it!” The teacher then points to students and the class then says “You did it, you really, really did it!”

  • Fantastic Spray-  To celebrate hold a make believe spray bottle of fantastic cleaner and pretend to spray. Make the sound "chh-chh-chh." Them move your hand in a circular motion as if you are wiping a window and say "Fantastic."

  • Snap, Crackle, Pop- Start by snapping both hands then rub your hands together for crackle. Lastly, you clap your hands together for pop.

  • Power Clap- Count to 3 aloud (1, 2, 3). Then clap loudly 1 time


Brain Breaks
  • Congo Line. Go until you count to 100.

  • Simon Says

  • Mirror, Mirror. Have students pair up and copy what their partner is doing then switch.

  • Balloon Toss- Turn on relaxing music and see how long students can keep a balloon in the air

  • Would you rather- create a would you rather scenario (ex. would you rather never eat pizza again or never eat ice cream again.) Designate a spot in the room for each choice and have students move to their choice.

  • Back to Back- Pairs of students sit on the floor, back to back with their arms linked. The challenge is to stand up.

  • Freeze Dance- Music will be playing and students can dance but when the music stops the students have to freeze and hold their position until the music plays again.

  • Rock, Paper, Scissors Olympics

  • Six Spots- Number six spots around your room from 1 to 6. Have students go to a spot of their choice. Choose a student to roll a die. All students at the number rolled must go back to their seats. Students that are left will go to a new spot or stay. The die will roll again and the game will continue until a few students are left.

  • Go Noodle- Fun dances or songs for students to move around for a few minutes in between subjects or before/after lunch or recess

  • Hand/Finger Fold- figure out how to move specific fingers

  • Shoulder to Shoulder- Say two body parts, students will need to put those body parts together.

  • Find it fast- look around the room and identify some key identifiers of different objects. They can be colors, materials, etc. Then start shouting out the different objects. For example, you can say "red hands" and then students will need to rush toward the object as quickly as possible. The last to get there is eliminated. Repeat until you have a winner.

  • Atom 123- have students walk around the classroom while saying mingle. When the teacher shouts out a number such as "4." Students will need to group up as 4. Whoever does not have a group is out. Keep going with different number until you have a winner.

  1. Tiny Decisions- helps make all decision easier

  2. Groovy Grader- grade scale

  3. Storia- e-book app that contains questions and learning activities

  4.  Class dojo- school communication platform for teacher, students, and parents

  5. Seesaw- allows students to share their work with parents and teachers. Can provide concrete examples of their improvement and strengths

  6. Doceri- turns your ipad into a portable whiteboard.

  7. Bloomz- supports classroom community and parent communication

  8. Remind 101- allows professional communication and remind students as well as parents of important information

  9. Educreations- This app teachers and students can create videos on to share with others.

  10. Alexa- electronic assistant

  11. KidCitizen- The KidCitizen app engages young learners with primary sources as they explore issues like child labor, the role of Congress, and children's civic participation.

  12. Skybrary- an app that is geared to kids from ages 4 and up. It is an interactive library that allows students to pilot their own hot air balloon and visit seven islands filled with hundreds of books and videos. The app is free but it does offers in-app purchases. 

  13. Duo lingo- Free language education ( learn a new language)

  14. Starfall- teaches students all subject kindergarten-3rd grade

  15. Novel effect- app that enhance your read alouds with sound effects and background music

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